lundi 5 octobre 2015

UFO Phenomenon and Psychopathology : A Case Study, by Jean-Michel Abrassart...


Even if at some point it was proven that there is after all something truly anomalous inside the haystack (for example extraterrestrial spaceships or a so far unknown kind of thunder), that anomaly would explain a very small percentage of all cases. For that simple reason, this alleged anomaly would not really explain the haystack. In the Psychosocial Model, we are interested in the haystack, not so much by the alleged anomaly inside it.

Jean-Michel Abrassart is a Ph.D. candidate in psychology at the Catholic University of Louvain. This paper is covering his lecture at the 58th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association (London, 2015).
Toward the case study itself, the paper summerizes the SocioPsychological and Cultural model of the UFO phenomenon (including "abductions"), the bad and the good uses of some terms, received ideas, and many more.

It is for me a must-read for anyone interested by the thematic of UFO.
The paper is available here: UFO Phenomenon and Psychopathology : A case study, by Jean-Michel Abrassart

Gilles Fernandez, October 2015.

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