
lundi 24 février 2020

1# Gilles' UFO-Skeptic prophecy... UFO/IFO I.R. videos

EN 1# For the current moment, and so to speak, the corpus of IFO/UFO "Infra-Red" videos is smaller than the IFO/UFO other materials corpora (like testimonies, photograph, day or night time videos, etc.).

My prediction is that if or when this IR videos corpus will be more important, we will have and find the “indiscernability criterion” too:
IFO and UFO IR videos will present the same caracteristics, being “twins”. Only the statut explained/not explained will discrimate them.

FR 1# Pour le moment, on peut dire que l'échantillon de vidéos en "infra-rouge" d'OVNI ou d'OVI (Objets Volants Identifiés) est beaucoup plus petit que ceux des autres échantillons de matériels dont nous disposons (témoignages, photographies, vidéo nocturnes ou diurnes, etc).

Ma prédiction est que quand ou si cet échantillon va devenir plus important ou similaire, on aura et on trouvera le même "critère d’indiscernabilité".

Les cas expliqués et non expliqués de vidéos en Infra-Rouge présenteront les mêmes caractéristiques, demeurant "jumeaux". Seul, le statut expliqué versus non expliqué les dichotomisera.
Gilles Fernandez

lundi 18 novembre 2019

The 1896/97 Airship Wave: A neglected Variable to understand the Wave...

The 1896/97 Airship Wave: A neglected Hypothesis (or a supra-additive and explicative Variable).


In my original article concerning the wave, and quoting the most read of my humble blog, we find:

"One curious feature of the post 1897 airship waves was the failure of each to stick in historical memory. 
Although 1909, for example, brought a flood of sightings worldwide and attendant discussion and speculation, contemporary accounts do not allude to the hugely publicized events of little more than a decade earlier."
(Clark 2000, 123) .

With a single unsatisfactory exception*, no eyewitness was ever interviewed even in the 1950’s, when some were presumably still living."
(Clark 1998, 37).

*The "single unsatisfactory example" Clark cites is a former San Francisco Chronicle employee interviewed via telephone by Edward J. Ruppelt in 1952. Ruppelt wrote that the man "had been a copy boy ... and remembered the incident, but time had cancelled out the details. He did tell me that he, the editor of the paper, and the news staff had seen 'the ship', as he referred to the UFO. His story, even though it was fifty-six years old, smacked of others I’d heard when he said that no one at the newspaper ever told anyone what they had seen; they didn’t want people to think they were 'crazy.'

From: The Amazing Airship of 1896 by James L. Cambias.

What if the 1896/97 airship wave was in part or has as an inside variable, a contemporary "psychological warfare campaign" against the Spanish and Cuba when you contextualize the period?
And then, explaining why, there will be no mention a decade later, to support the 1909 airship wave in newspapers?

Clic to enlarge.

What if the 1896/97 airship wave (and mainly in California where the wave will start) was in fact (and in a part) a psychological warfare "orchestrated" by some Californian politicians or local influent individuals, in order to stay they have flying machines crossing the sea and that might bombard Cuba?

An excerpt of Solving the 1897 Airship Mystery by Michael Busby.

What if such local (California) Politicians and local influent individuals were in charge (directly or non-directly) of the contemporary Californian Newspapers by another coincidence ?

Stay tuned to "crack" and explain, by contextualization and more, the 1896/97 Airship Wave.

Gilles Fernandez, November 2019.

mercredi 15 mai 2019

"Gimbal" & "Go fast" UFO Videos solved and/or explained?

Mick West and Metabunk teammates did good work regarding the two so-called "Gimbal" and "Go Fast" UFO videos which made the buz.

"Gimbal" UFO video solved by new Footage?
Watch and enjoy Mick West video here.
"Go Fast" UFO video explained?
Watch and enjoy Mick West for its one here.

Myself early considered the video was not so very fascinating or astonishing (sexy!) and may be only involving FLIR camera training by pilots (for example, in Science et Vie Junior, July 2018, but in French).

Yes, people must realize that Infra Red camera are distorting the initial - and trivial - prosaic stimulus because reflecting NOT the physical shape, but ONLY the heat... And we got an UFO! (by projective elaborations and transformations, such IR video acting "like a Rorschach test").

Gilles Fernandez, May 2019.

mardi 14 mai 2019

Ariel Case, Zimbabwe (1994): A neglected Hypothesis or disregarded Assumption... (In French).


(Version de Travail mise en ligne et sujette à modifications)

Un de nos billets et recherche la plus consultée sur ce blog est celui consacré au cas mythique (dans le microcosme ufologique) d'Ariel School. N'hésitez pas à le relire !

Dans celui-ci, nous avons avancé bien des contre-tons, et principalement, mais pas seulement, que la méthode d'entretien et de recueil des témoignages ou des dessins, auprès des jeunes enfants, était "désastreuse", en ce sens qu'elle est très loin des standards de la criminologie ou de l'entretien en psychologie (notamment envers le jeune enfant ou pré-adolescent/adolescent).

Du fait des séances d'entretien collectifs - alors qu'ils auraient dû être individuels - où les enfants s'entendent les uns les autres; du fait des "debrief" entre adultes que les enfants entendent; du fait que les tâches demandées aux enfants sont faites à l'école, parfois "au tableau" et peuvent alors se comporter comme des exercices scolaires où l'enfant doit produire quelque chose et faire plaisir à l'autorité/adulte; du fait de questions à choix forcé, où l'enfant se sent comme devant choisir une proposition (quitte à se contredire ensuite). Et bien d'autres contre-tons qui font ou feraient "frémir"  n'importe quel psychologue ou criminologue.

Ainsi, les enfants qui déclarent n'avoir rien vu (comme Oriana) vont pourtant produire un dessin avec un être ou un engin. Ou encore, la thématique écologique si chère à John Mack est présente dans les narratifs produits devant John Mack, alors que ceci était totalement absent dans les narratifs produits auprès de Cynthia Hind.

Au total, nous avons voulu, et réussi je pense, à pointer que l'apparente "homogénéité" des récits et dessins, pouvait être le simple produit d'une contamination psychosociologique. Je pense que ce précèdent  billet démystifie totalement le cas et sa solidité.

A ce titre, je pense qu'il est et serait inutile d'aller plus avant, et que le "sceptique" n'a pas ou plus à se prononcer sur le stimulus que certains des enfants auraient sans doute vu ou aperçu.
Mais, je suis intimement convaincu qu'un stimulus visuel a bien existé et a généré cette (non) affaire.

Et donc, quel stimulus aurait pu voir les enfants et qui les aurait, légitimement, surpris ?

Il existe une piste de recherche, initialement proposée et discutée par et avec "Nab Lator". Encore lui.

Quelques éléments, d'abord :

- Certains dessins ou éléments des narratifs des enfants, évoquent une sorte d'être qui ressemble à un "hippie/rastaman", avec des lunettes et des longs cheveux (dreadlocks ?)...

- Et l'engin dessiné, ressemble parfois à une sorte de caravane (américaine)...

Et donc ?

En 1994, justement, il se trouve que Thomas Mapfuno et son groupe, étaient justement en concert près d'Harare.

Il se trouve également que la "coiffe" rasta (dreadlocks) était malvenue, mal vue et rare en 1994, et au Zimbabwé. Ces deux liens nous paraissent utiles :

Lien 1

Lien 2

Alors, les enfants auraient-ils été légitiment surpris par un "rastaman" et ses dreadlocks, ayant parqué momentanément ou non sa caravane, près de l'école, pour assister ou comme musicien à ces concerts ? A suivre !

Gilles Fernandez, May 2019.

lundi 22 avril 2019

Why USAF 1994 Roswell "big Report" did not provide a Document confirming a Mogul Flight was the Culprit for Roswell Debris? (In French).


Une vidéo à propos de l'affaire Roswell est apparue récemment sur la toile. Je la recommande, tant, et toute modestie mise à part, il est rare que je n'abandonne pas au bout de quelques minutes d'écoute, quoi que cela soit concerné à Roswell ces derniers mois.
C'est remarquable qu'une personne, et en si peu de temps d'immersion sur l'affaire, et en moins d'une demi-heure, offre un si pertinent produit final. Chapeau, vraiment...

 Et puis, mon nom est mentionné, c'est forcément "qu'elle est bien" ! (Auto-dérision).

Elle a fait naître quelques commentaires ici et là, comme sur la page Facebook UFO-Scepticisme, mais aussi sur le forum de même nom.
J'ai répondu à quelques objections, demande d'informations, etc. dans ces fils, par l'intermédiaire d'amis (car j'ai moins de temps - et de passion/motivation - pour ce hobby, qu'avant).
Mais aussi parce que mon nom était mentionné et mon ouvrage parfois critiqué, alors que j'ai déjà répondu, ou tenté de répondre, à ces critiques par le passé.
Mais l'ufologie, et en particulier, commenter l'affaire Roswell, c'est un peu se réveiller chaque matin comme dans le film Un jour sans Fin...

Dans les objections, une d'elle et tout à fait légitime de prime abord, à la thèse Mogul et posée dans la discussion plus haut, on trouve, de la part d'un internaute :
Par ailleurs, il est tout de même étrange que dans son "Roswell report" de 1994, d'environ 1000 pages, l'Armée de l'Air n'ait pas pu produire un seul document (procès verbal ou autre) prouvant qu'elle avait effectivement récupéré un train de ballons Mogul sur le ranch Foster.
Certes. Mais il convient aussi avant tout de se demander où se trouveraient de tels documents et ce qu'ils sont ou seraient devenus si toutefois potentiellement existants (notamment pour des vols service qui ne faisaient pas l'objet de rapport écrits, voir ce précèdent billet relayé outre-Atlantique et une de mes trouvailles. Cocorico !). 

Toute modestie mise à part encore, cette question a déjà été examinée dans la littérature consacrée, et j'en ai déjà causé ici ou là. La question est donc, légitime, mais pas vraiment neuve.

Tout d'abord, il me semble toujours bon de rappeler qu'en réalité, ce n'est pas l'Armée Américaine qui proposa l'hypothèse Mogul pour rendre compte des débris de Roswell, la première.
Mais deux ufologues, à savoir Robert G. Todd et Karl Plock, et ce, indépendamment l'un de l'autre, au début des années quatre-vingt-dix . Lire "mon" chapitre, titré L'armée sort Mogul d'un Chapeau ? dans mon ouvrage qui est en open source et donc, ce qui ne vous oblige à ne rien débourser, pour s'en convaincre, ou non.

Le premier de ces deux investigateurs, Robert G. Todd, a justement été en quête de trouver un tel document. Il en a fait part notamment, dans un de ses numéros de son "journal de la bouse de vache" / the Cowflop Quaterly.
A savoir, le numéro 5 (du 5 juillet 1996), qui est justement consacré à la recherche de documents historiographiques concernant Roswell.
C'est un "très rare" en version courrier de l'époque, mais on peut encore le trouver en version numérique sur ce lien.

Todd y explique avoir passé 5 ans et demi de sa vie à, entre autres, rechercher tout document montrant que le vol numéro 4  - ou quelque autre - du projet Mogul, est responsable des débris. 
Pour lui, là où cela pourrait avoir été indiqué historiographiquement avec un maximum de probabilité, sans en être toutefois certain, ce serait dans deux archives. A savoir :

La boîte d'archives dite 00 des projets Sign-Grudge 1947-1960.
La boîte d'archives dite MIX-1011 - Rockfish, Mogul projects acoustical research 1946-1950. Nb: Rockfish est le second nom qui fut donné au projet Mogul.

Ces deux boîtes d'archives sont pertinentes ici, car elles contiendraient des correspondances avec l'Air Materiel Command (la seconde concerne justement les deux premiers projets dédiés aux OVNI aux USA). Et l'Air Materiel Command était très impliqué dans tout ce qui concernait les "soucoupes volantes" à cette époque.
Aussi, les débris de Roswell, auraient été envoyés et identifiés à l'Air Materiel Command (entre autres parmi d'autres organismes).
Il y a donc toute chance que si les débris de Roswell ont été identifiés comme du matériel ballon et cibles-radar de l'équipe de la New York University en charge du projet Mogul, et qu'un document en atteste, c'est dans ces archives qu'il se trouve...

Ces documents étaient stockés aux archives de St-Louis, Missouri (National Personnel Records Center) depuis Août 1960, au sixième étage, lors de ses recherches.

The NPRC records fire of 1973
Up to 18 million military records were engulfed in flames

Bien avant, donc,que la grande fanfare de Roswell ne débute (post-1978, voir mon ouvrage). 

Cela expliquerait, en tout cas pour moi, pourquoi les investigateurs ne trouveront jamais rien, historiographiquement, confirmant à 100 % que le vol Mogul du 4 juin (ou celui du 29 mai 1947) explique ces débris.
Et donc pourquoi l'équipe ayant rédigé le gros rapport de l'URSAF, a été "incapable" de produire un tel document, malgré d'intenses recherches (voir mon ouvrage, à nouveau).

Que les auteurs sensationnalistes à propos de Roswell, passés ou à venir, en soient également rassurés !

Gilles Fernandez, April 2019.

samedi 28 avril 2018

CNES/GEIPAN and Ball Lightning... Good Heavens!

Ball lightning studies suffer from the same defects that typify ufology. Their catalogues are littered with ill-investigated cases.
An investigator, privated communication.


The other day, I was watching one of the documentaries released by CNES/GEIPAN and series called Juste Ciel.  In general, I found them really good or excellent.

This one was concerning Ball Lightning...
My attention focused mainly on the videos the team proposed I then suppose "among the best ones they know concerning Ball Lightning".

And concerning at least two of them, I said in my mind Good Heavens!

At about 56 seconds, you have an excerpt of a video. Seriously, at the very first regard because I follow for years several hoaxes and CGI UFO videos, it "smells" the CGI fake, as I was pretty sure I already saw this video in extenso years ago in another context (UFO context stricto sensu, not Ball Lightning). 

I asked my friends devoted on debunking faked videos (UFO-Theater site team mates and Scott Brando Italian driving UFO of Interest FB page) because I dont remembered where I saw it.

Their answers were clear enough and very fast. The video is a CGI creation then a fake by the "famous" hoaxers and two Cousins brothers ThirdPhaseofMoon, hoax appearing circa 2012 in their YouTube channel.
Even if I must advise you that each time you open a video on their YT channel, they gain money, the video can be retrieved here.

In other words, even an or several experts in storm or "ball lightning" can be fooled by a fake. It is imho a good illustration of the argument from authority.

Ball Lightning caught on tape at Sioux Falls?
In the documentary, we find another excerpt where a ball lightning was caught on tape. Really? I well knew and recognized this video too, because I fastly "analyzed" it years ago and my opinion or hypothesis was totally different.

The full video is available here. I advise you to watch it in HD, full screen, and after using YT parameters to slow it down.

I'm not a native English speacker (as you can read here^^), but you have probably noticed too that the cameraman made a "Woooooooow". But this "wow" is not when the alleged "ball lightning" appeared, but more for a mundane (but splendid) lightning.

It is in my opinion a good indication that the "phenomenon" was not seen with the naked eyes or during the footage in live, but after when visioning the video at home, a good indication and "classic" too to focuse on other alternatives, ie an "artifact", for example something close the camera (particle, dust or insect).

When you slow down the footage and focuse on the cloud, you will see that the "phenomenon" have a "dark" precursor/speck and this at about 36s.
The following image is proposed in order you locate this dark "object" when watching again the video and these frames:

"The position, direction, timing and angular speed of this dark speck are so closely matched to those of the bright speck that it’s very hard to argue coincidence" as an analyst wrote to me.

What could it be? More probably an insect than a ball lightning. I asked several friends in several email groups and it seems a firefly is a good candidat.

After all, the video seems to have been realized in July, in dusk time, firefly is well known to have a flash pattern, which, even if I'm not an entomologist are consisting of some seconds "off" and some others "on", probably explaining then why this stimulus is at the begining dark and lighting after.

Investigator Wim van Utrecht realized this recreation:

So, Ball lighting or an insect (maybe a firefly)? Let the reader decide.

I had some things to say or to propose for the others video excerpts, but probably later.

Anyway, this short documentary have really surprised me because endorsed by CNES, at least for these two videos it contains which are for me and others not ball lightning if this phenomenon really or not exists.

Good Heavens!

Gilles Fernandez, April 2018.

lundi 20 novembre 2017

Maurice Masse Encounter (Valensole, 07/01/1965): Hoax inspired by a French Comic Book?


When something is strange, very strange, we may resort without much fear to the improbable explanations, simply referring to prosaic things in extraordinarily improbable situations.
Lorsque quelque chose est étrange ou très étrange, nous pouvons recourir sans trop de crainte à d'improbables explications se référant simplement à des choses prosaïques dans des situations extraordinairement improbables.

Manuel Borraz & Kentaro Mori in Extraordinary Explanations.


This article proposes a finding and hypothesis by Raoul Robé. It is then not my work.
Cet article propose une trouvaille et une hypothèse de Raoul Robé. Ce n'est donc pas mon travail.

Avec l'aimable autorisation de Raoul Robé / With the kind permission of Raoul Robé.

The Covert of the Comic Book...

Add-on 12/01/2017: An investigator ("UFO-skeptic" himself) and friend, who have the comic too, sent me all the story contained in the comic he summarized for me.
I must admit that now, having all the "Tintin" story, I (Gilles Fernandez) have the opinion the scenario as unlikely (of course, not impossible): Few similarities and too much differences in my humble opinion.

Abstract: In the recent years, French investigator and comic books collector, Raoul Robé, discovered a French comic book edited in 1955 and re-edited in 1960 containing many of the ingredients of Maurice Masse encounter, including the place (the comic book story is taking place in Arles -South of France -).
This findind drived Raoul Robé to present an alternative hypothesis to the ones already proposed (from a real encounter of the third kind to something involving an helicoper).

I should summarize the hypothesis with this scenario:

Maurice Masse discovered in his field a trace he recognized as a "lightning impact". 

In parallel and during his free time, he have the habit to meet his friends at "Café des Sports" (sort of French pub, so to speak). Like in all French Cafés in rural area or not, people are commenting the news, from sports to politic and social.

We well know that Michel Figuet French investigator met him and he have qualified him as "a kidder/teasing" (the French term was joueur). As many people reading the local press, Masse and the inhabitants were aware about the 1954 French wave, or "flying saucers/UFO" in general.

Coincidentally, he came accross a French comic book, where the action is taking place in his own area (Provence, Arles city).
This is enough to draw his curiosity and attention to read the full comic: He is discovering other ingredients: A Flying Saucer is landing in in his own area, with grab inhabitants/pilots paralysing a witness with a weapon emitting a beam ray, pilots examining him and speacking a foreign language, etc...

A idea is germinating in his "kidder" mind, a "galéjade" as we say here in South of France, with the lightning trace as the main support (hardware material), and the comic for the other ingredients (narrative material). So, he goes to boast at the "Café des Sports". The rumor is spreading in this little area where oral "stories" are very fast to spread. Because French Gendarmes will be involved, the French media are interested and the story becoming national and international. 

Masse is "trapped" in his "galéjade" and cant way back (like Renato for Trans-en-Provence other "famous" French case?)...


The Case examined from another Angle, by Raoul Robé (translation of a 2015 received Raoul Robé's draft by the author of this blog, so probable typos, but under correction)

Ufologists, often city inhabitants themselves, sometimes have the unfortunate tendency to misjudge the malice of witnesses living in the countryside.

The famous case of Valensole (July the first 1965) is often told to us by these ufologists (for example, here), but Raoul Robé proposes to consider it from another angle.

Maurice Masse is a farmer and he knows his work very well, but also the environment in which he works daily. At the end of June 1965, he discovered a trace in his field of cultivation of lavender plants. He knows very well, for having already seen, that it is about a trace left by the lightning (one can consult in this respect, the excellent French work directed by P. Vachon & P. ​​Seray, Marliens et les Cas similaires- 2014 -).

The Covert of Vachon & Seray 2014 Book...

To relax, Masse has a habit of joining his friends at the "Café des Sport" where he finds a very friendly atmosphere: It discusses political, economic or social news.
According to some investigators (Figuet, cited by Seray p.203 Ibid.), the witness is qualified as a "joueur" (Kidder/Teasing ).

Maurice has of course already read, like everyone else since the great wave of 1954, articles speaking about "flying Saucers" in the local and regional press, and perhaps even in the coffee. He stumbles upon a small comic book (small format / petit format we call them here) abandoned by a village kid or other possibilities. The eye-catching cover shows a young rider and a flock of good bulls passing a flying saucer. The introduction speaks of flying saucer ... in Provence!

The Introduction of the Comic Book mentioning a flying saucer and taking place in Maurice Masse French Provence...

The idea of ​​a good galéjade (A galèjade is a local/familiar South of France term meaning a tall story) germinates in the teasing spirit of our farmer. The trace found earlier will serve as a support for this joke.

He tells his adventure to his coffee friends. The affair is quickly spread. The French Gendarmerie (French Army corp having a Police duty) intervenes, the press seizes it. 
Because there are these very concrete traces, this story will go around the world!


At the beginning, Masse describes the landing of unknown craft, but like for Marius Dewilde encounter, in Quarouble 1954, the description of the small pilots and their reaction will come gradually (embellishments, one will be able to consult about Quarouble, the article in French by Dominique Caudron).

Please note that in Maurice Masse narrative, the little men are bald, speak an unknown language, are benevolent, armed with a paralyzing ray weapon, they examine the body of the witness then immobilized .... exactly as in the scenario of the comic strip.

In the comic, the witness discovers the landing of a flying saucer and bald pilots...

In 1975, Lob & Gigi (Dargaud Ed, 1975) interpreted and depicted Maurice Masse narrative when the bald pilot is paralyzing the witness with a ray weapon. In our comic, the bald pilot is paralyzing the witness and his horse with a ray weapon.

Lob & Gigi 1975/Maurice Masse narrative (1965) versus our comic (1955 & 1960)...

The witness is examined by the pilots in both the Maurice Masse narrative and our comic book.


Few words about this Kind of Comic Books.

This kind of comics we call here "petits formats" were sold on newsstands or press houses all around France.
The owner of this blog collected them in the 70's and they were easily found in my local town markets as "used" by many vendors. We buy them for half the original price and it was possible to "buy" other comics when giving back the ones we bought previously (for a quarter of the original price this time ^^).
It was also very common that these comic books as being passed from friend to friend/from hand to hand.

That's among other reasons why we must not be surprised by the delay/decay between Maurice Masse testimony (1965) and the two editions of the comic book (1955 and 1960).

Gilles Fernandez, November 2017. Copyright Raoul Robé.